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Selected Publications
- Ma, S., Zhang, B., LaFave L., Chiang, Z., Hu Y., Ding, J., Brack, A., Kartha, V., Law, T., Lareau C., Hsu, Y.C., Regev, A. & Buenrostro, J. Chromatin potential identified by shared single-cell profiling of RNA and chromatin. Cell, 183, 1103-1116 (2020).
- SHARE-seq for open chromatin & RNA co-profiling
- “Chromatin Potential” for predicting cell fate choice during skin differentiation
- Featured in Nature Reviews Genetics “SHARE-seq reveals chromatin potential”
- Featured in RNA-SEQ “SHARE-seq – measurement of chromatin accessibility and gene expression in the same single cell”
- Ma, S., Revenga, M., Sun, Z., Sun, C., Murphy, T. W., Xie, H., González-Maeso, J. & Lu. C. Cell-type-specific brain methylomes profiled via ultralow-input microfluidics. Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2, 183-194 (2018).
- Microfluidic devices for low-input and single cell genome-wide DNA methylation profiling
- Featured in VT news “Epigenomic tool breakthrough has implications for identifying disease processes”
- Featured in Behind-the-paper “Using microfluidics to map brain epigenomes”
- Featured in Nature Biomedical Engineering “Epigenetic profiling with ultralow DNA amounts”
- Ma, S., Hsieh, Y., Ma, J. & Lu, C. Low-input and multiplexed microfluidic assay reveals epigenomic variation across cerebellum and prefrontal cortex (SurfaceChIP-seq). Science Advances, 4, eaar8187 (2018).
- Microfluidic technology for low-input ChIP-seq
- Featured in GenomeWeb “Virginia tech team develops microfluidic technique for low-input ChIP-seq”
- Zhang, Q., Ma, S. Liu, Z., Zhu, B., Zhou, Z., Li, G., Meana, J. J., González-Maeso, J., Lu, C. Droplet-based bisulfite sequencing for high-throughput profiling of single-cell DNA methylomes. Nature Communications, 14, 4672 (2023).
- High-throughput single-cell DNA methylation profiling technology
- Joung, J., Ma, S.*, Tay, T.* Geiger-Schuller, K.R.*, Kirchgatterer, P.C., Verdine, V.K., Guo, B. Arias-Garcia, A.A., E. Allen, W. E., Singh, A., Kuksenko, O., Abudayyeh, O. O., Gootenberg, J. S., Fu, Z., Macrae, R.K., Buenrostro, J.D., Regev, A. & Zhang, Z. A transcription factor atlas of directed differentiation. Cell, 186, 209-229 (2023).
- Massive screening of every single TF in hESCs
- Deng, Y., Bartosovic, M., Ma, S., Zhang, D., Kukanja, P., Xiao, Y., Su, G., Liu, Y., Qin, X., Rosoklija, G.B., Dwork, A.J., Mann, J.J., Xu, M.L., Halene, S., Craft, J.E., Leong, K.W., Boldrini, M., Castelo-Branco, G. & Fan, R. Spatial profiling of chromatin accessibility in mouse and human tissues. Nature, 609, 375–383 (2022).
- Spatial epigenomic technology
- Highlighted in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology “Chromatin found in space“
- Kartha V., Duarte F., Hu Y., Ma, S. Chew, J., Lareau, C., Earl, A., Burkett, Z., Kohlway, A., Lebofsky, R. & Buenrostro. J. Functional Inference of Gene Regulation using Single-Cell Multi-Omics. Cell Genomics, 2, 100166 (2022).
- Yuan, W., Ma, S., Brown, J., Kim, K., Murek, V., Trastulla, L., Meissner, A., Lodato, S., Shetty, A., Levin, J., Buenrostro, J., Ziller, M. & Arlotta, P. Temporally-Divergent Regulatory Mechanisms Govern Neuronal Development and Diversification in the Neocortex. Nature Neuroscience, 25, 1049–1058 (2022).
- Transcriptomic and epigenomic diversity at single-cell level in mouse and marmoset brain
- Concepcion, C., Ma, S., Bhutkar, A., Liu, M., DeAngelo, L.P., Kim, J.Y., Priore, I.D., Schoenfeld, A.J., Miller, M., Kartha, V.K., Westcott, P.M.K., Sánchez-Rivera, F.J., Meli, K., Gupta, M., Bronson, R.T., Riely, G.J., Rekhtman, N., Rudin, C.M., Kim, C.F., Regev, A., Buenrostro J.B. & Jacks, T. Smarca4 inactivation promotes lineage-specific transformation and early metastatic features in the lung. Cancer Discovery, 12(2), 562-585 (2021).
- Genetic mutation increases lung tumor burden in mouse and human patients
- Choi, S., Zhang, B., Ma, S., Gonzalez-Celeiro, M., Stein, D., Jin, X., Kim, S.T., Kang, Y-L, Besnard, A., Rezza, A., Grisanti, L., Buenrostro, J.D. Rendl, M., Nahrendorf, M., Sahay, A. & Hsu, Y-C. Corticosterone inhibits GAS6 to govern hair follicle stem-cell quiescence. Nature, 592, 428–432 (2021).
- Hair loss due to chronic stress
- Featured in Nature “Relax to grow more hair”
- Featured in Harvard News “How chronic stress leads to hair loss”
- Featured in ScienceDaily and many others
- Zhang, B., Ma, S., Rachmin, I., He, M., Baral, P., Choi, S., Gonçalves, W.A., Shwartz, Y., Fast, E.M., Su, Y., Zon, L.I., Regev, A., Buenrostro, J.D., Cunha, T.M., Chiu, I.M., Fisher, D.E. & Hsu, Y.C. Hyperactivation of sympathetic nerves drives depletion of melanocyte stem cells. Nature, 577, 676-681 (2020).
- Hair greying under acute stress
- Featured in Nature “How the stress of fight or flight turns hair white”
- Featured in >200 news websites
- Ranked 36th of the 302,805 tracked articles by online attention
- LaFave, L., Kartha, V.*, Ma, S.*, Meli, K., Priore, I.D., Lareau, C., Naranjo, S., Westcott, P.M.K., Duarte, F.M., Sankar, V., Chiang, Z., Brack, A., Law, T., Hauck, H., Okimoto, A., Regev, A., Buenrostro, J.D. & Jacks, T. Epigenomic state transitions characterize tumor progression in lung adenocarcinoma. Cancer Cell, 38, 212-228, (2020). (* equal contribution)
- Epigenomic regulators in lung tumor progression
- Featured in MIT news “Gene-controlling mechanisms play key role in cancer progression”
- Featured in ScienceDaily
- Featured in Cancer Cell
- Lareau, C., Ma, S., Duarte F., & Buenrostro J. Inference and effects of barcode multiplets in droplet-based single-cell assays. Nature Communications, 11, 866 (2020).
- Computational identification of doublets in single-cell sequencing data
- Buenrostro, J., Ma, S., Regev, A., Methods and Compositions for Analyzing Nucleic Acids.
- Lu, C., Ma, S., Methods and Devices for Analysis of Nucleic Acids from Cells.
- Yan, H. Ma, S., Kartha, V. et al. Single-cell multi-scale footprinting reveals the modular organization of DNA regulatory elements. bioRxiv (2023)
Additional Publications
- Ma, S., Regev, A. & Buenrosto, J. SHARE-seq V1. Protocols.io (2021).
- Del Priore, I.*, Ma, S.*, Strecker, J., Jacks, T., LaFave, L. & Buenrosto, J. Protocol for single-cell ATAC-sequencing using combinatorial indexing. STAR protocols, 100583 (2021). (* equal contribution)
- Ma, S., Murphy, T. W. & Lu, C. Microfluidics for genome-wide studies involving next generation sequencing.Biomicrofluidics, 11, 021501 (2017). (review)
- Selected as Editor’s Picks
- Ma, S., Bryson, B.D., Sun, C., Fortune, S. M. & Lu, C. RNA extraction from a mycobacterium under ultrahigh electric field intensity. Analytical Chemistry, 88, 5053-5057 (2016).
- Ma, S., Loufakis, D. N., Cao Z., Chang Y., Achenie, L. EK & Lu C. Diffusion-based microfluidic PCR for “one-pot” analysis of cells. Lab on a Chip, 14, 2905-2909 (2014).
- Selected as hot article
- Selected as cover
- Ma, S., Schroeder, B., Sun, C., Loufakis, D. N., Cao, Z. Sriranganathan, N. & Lu, C. Electroporation-based delivery of cell-penetrating peptide conjugates of peptide nucleic acids for antisense inhibition of intracellular bacteria. Integrative Biology, 2014, 973-978 (2014).
- Ma, S., Tang, Y., Liu, J. & Wu, J. Visible paper chip immunoassay for rapid determination of bacteria in water distribution system. Talanta, 120, 135-140 (2014).
- Thakore, P., Schnell, A., Zhao, M., Huang, L., Hou, Y., Christian, E., Zaghouani, S., Wang, C., Singh, V., Ma, S. et al. The chromatin landscape of Th17 cells reveals mechanisms of diversification of regulatory and pro-inflammatory states. Nature Immunology, accepted (2024)
- Cheong, J.G.*, Ravishankar A.*, Sharma, S.*, Parkhurst, C.*, Grassmann, S., Wingert, C.K., Laurent, P., Ma, S. et al. Epigenetic Memory of COVID-19 in Innate Immune Cells and Their Progenitors. Cell, 186 (18), 3882-3902 (2023).
- Otto, J.E., Ursu, O., Wu, A.P., Winter, E.B., Cuoco, M.S. Ma, S., Qian, K., Michel, B.C., Buenrostro, J.D., Berger, B., Regev, A. & Kadoch, C. Structural and functional properties of mSWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes revealed through single-cell perturbation screens. Molecular Cell, 83, 1–18 (2023)
- Zhang, D. , Deng, Y. , Kukanja, P. , Agirre, E., Bartosovic, M., Dong, M., Ma C., Ma, S. et al. Spatial epigenome–transcriptome co-profiling of mammalian tissues. Nature, 616, 113–122 (2023).
- Hsieh, Y.P., Naler, L., Ma, S. & Lu C. Cell-type-specific epigenomic variations associated with BRCA1 mutation in pre-cancer human breast tissues. NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, 4, lqac006 (2021).
- Biancala, T., Scalia, G., Buffoni, L., Avasthi, R., Lu, Z., Sanger A., Tokcan, N., Vanderburg, C., Segerstolpe, A., Zhang M., Avraham-Davidi, I., Vickovic, S., Nitzan, M., Ma, S. et al. Deep learning and alignment of spatially resolved single-cell transcriptomes with Tangram. Nature Methods, 18, 1352–1362 (2021).
- Avagyan, S., Weber, M.C., Ma, S., Prasad, M., Mannherz, W.P., Yang, S., Buenrostro, J.D., and Zon, L.I. Single-cell ATAC-seq reveals GATA2-dependent priming defect in myeloid and a maturation bottleneck in lymphoid lineages. Blood Advances, 5, 2673-2686 (2021).
- Li, Q., Meissner, T., Wang, F., Du, Z., Ma, S., Kshirsagar, S., Tilburgs, T., Buenrostro, J., Uesugi, M., & Strominger, J. ELF3 activated by a superenhancer and an autoregulatory feedback loop is required for high-level HLA-C expression on extravillous trophoblasts. PNAS, 118, e2025512118 (2021)
- Sarikhani, M., Garbern, J., Ma S., et al. Sustained activation of ampk enhances differentiation of human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes via sirtuin activation. Stem Cell Report, 20, 498-514, (2020).
- Xu, H., Ding, J., Porter, C., Wallrapp, A., Tabaka, M., Ma, S. et al. Transcriptional atlas of intestinal immune cells reveals that neuropeptide α-cgrp modulates group 2 innate lymphoid cell responses. Immunity, 51, 696-708 (2019).
- Sarma, M., Lee, J., Ma, S., Li, S. & Lu, C. A diffusion-based microfluidic device for single-cell RNA-seq. Lab on a Chip, 19, 1247-1256 (2019).
- Murphy, T. W., Zhang, Q., Naler, L., Ma, S. & Lu, C. Recent advances on microfluidic technologies for single cell analysis. Analyst, 143, 60-80 (2018). (review)
- Murphy, T. W., Hsieh Y., Ma, S., Zhu, Y. & Lu, C. Microfluidic low-Input fluidized-bed enabled ChIP-seq device for automated and parallel analysis of histone modifications. Analytical Chemistry, 90, 7666-7674 (2018).
- Sun, C., Hsieh, Y., Ma, S., Geng, S., Cao, Z., Li, L. & Lu, C. Immunomagnetic separation of tumor initiating cells by screening two surface markers. Scientific Reports, 7, 40632 (2017).
- Sun, C., Hassanisaber, H., Yu, R., Ma, S., Verbridge, S. S. & Lu, C. Paramagnetic structures within a microfluidic channel for enhanced immunomagnetic isolation and surface patterning of cells. Scientific Reports, 6, 29407 (2016).
- Crowa, J., Achenie, L. E. K., Lu, C., Ma, S., Loufakis, D. N. Cao, Z. & Chang, Y. Optimal design of microfluidic platforms for diffusion-based PCR for “one-pot” analysis of cells. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 37, 1199-1204 (2015).
- Loufakis, D.N., Cao, Z., Ma, S., Mittelman, D. & Lu, C. Focusing of mammalian cells under an ultrahigh pH gradient created by unidirectional electropulsation in a confined microchamber. Chemical Science, 5, 3331-3337 (2014).
- Sun, C., Ouyang M., Cao, Z., Ma, S., Alqublan, H., Sriranganathan, N., Wang, Y. & Lu, C. Electroporation-delivered fluorescent protein biosensors for probing molecular activities in cells without genetic encoding. Chemical Communications, 50, 11536-11539 (2014).
- Tan, J., Zhao W., Yu J., Ma, S., Sailor, M. J. & Wu, J. Capture, enrichment, and mass spectrometric detection of low‐molecular‐weight biomarkers with nanoporous silicon microparticles. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 1, 742-750 (2012).
- Liu, Z., Wu, Q., Song, X. & Ma, S. Solid high-proton conductors based on heteropoly acids. Progress in Chemistry, 21, 982-989 (2009).